Beispielcode für die Ansteuerung eines I2C RTC Moduls DS1340 von Gravitech.
Example program I2C-RTC interface with Arduino.
SETUP: I2C-RTC => Arduino
PIN1 => A5, PIN2 => A4, PIN3 => ground, PIN6 => +5V
Note: The program is written for address 0xD0 (Arduino address 0x68).
This program was tested using Arduino Nano
Document: DS1340 datasheet
Updated: September 4, 2008
E-mail: [email protected]
(C) Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved
#include <Wire.h>
#define Binary 0 #define Hex 1
/******************************************************************************* Function Prototype *******************************************************************************/ unsigned int SerialNumRead (byte); void SetTime(); void DisplayTime();
/******************************************************************************* Global variables *******************************************************************************/ const int I2C_address = 0x68; // I2C write address byte Second; // Store second value byte Minute; // Store minute value byte Hour; // Store hour value byte Day; // Store day value byte Date; // Store date value byte Month; // Store month value byte Year; // Store year value
/******************************************************************************* Setup *******************************************************************************/ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) delay(1000); } /******************************************************************************* Main Loop *******************************************************************************/ void loop() { boolean Readtime; // Set/Read time flag unsigned int Incoming; // Incoming serial data
// Display prompt Serial.println("What would you like to do?"); Serial.println("(0) To set the current time."); Serial.println("(1) To display the current time."); Serial.print("Enter 0 or 1: "); Incoming = SerialNumRead (Binary); // Get input command Serial.println(Incoming, DEC); // Echo the value Serial.println(); if (Incoming == 0) // Process input command SetTime(); else if (Incoming == 1) DisplayTime(); delay (1000); }
/******************************************************************************* Read a input number from the Serial Monitor ASCII string Return: A binary number or hex number *******************************************************************************/ unsigned int SerialNumRead (byte Type) { unsigned int Number = 0; // Serial receive number unsigned int digit = 1; // Digit byte i = 0, j, k=0, n; // Counter byte ReceiveBuf [5]; // for incoming serial data while (Serial.available() <= 0); while (Serial.available() > 0) // Get serial input { // read the incoming byte: ReceiveBuf[i] =; i++; delay(10); } for (j=i; j>0; j--) { digit = 1; for (n=0; n<k; n++) // This act as pow() with base = 10 { if (Type == Binary) digit = 10 * digit; else if (Type == Hex) digit = 16 * digit; } ReceiveBuf[j-1] = ReceiveBuf[j-1] - 0x30; // Change ASCII to BIN Number = Number + (ReceiveBuf[j-1] * digit); // Calcluate the number k++; } return (Number); }
/******************************************************************************* Set time function *******************************************************************************/ void SetTime() { Serial.print("Enter hours (00-23): "); Hour = (byte) SerialNumRead (Hex); Serial.println(Hour, HEX); // Echo the value Hour = Hour & 0x3F; // Disable century Serial.print("Enter minutes (00-59): "); Minute = (byte) SerialNumRead (Hex); Serial.println(Minute, HEX); // Echo the value Serial.print("Enter seconds (00-59): "); Second = (byte) SerialNumRead (Hex); Serial.println(Second, HEX); // Echo the value Second = Second & 0x7F; // Enable oscillator Serial.print("Enter day (01-07): "); Day = (byte) SerialNumRead (Hex); Serial.println(Day, HEX); // Echo the value Serial.print("Enter date (01-31): "); Date = (byte) SerialNumRead (Hex); Serial.println(Date, HEX); // Echo the value Serial.print("Enter month (01-12): "); Month = (byte) SerialNumRead (Hex); Serial.println(Month, HEX); // Echo the value Serial.print("Enter year (00-99): "); Year = (byte) SerialNumRead (Hex); Serial.println(Year, HEX); // Echo the value
Wire.beginTransmission(I2C_address); Wire.send(0); Wire.send(Second); Wire.send(Minute); Wire.send(Hour); Wire.send(Day); Wire.send(Date); Wire.send(Month); Wire.send(Year); Wire.endTransmission(); //I2COUT SDA, I2C_WR, [0,Second,Minute,Hour,Day,Date,Month,Year] Serial.println(); Serial.println ("The current time has been successfully set!"); }
/******************************************************************************* Display time function *******************************************************************************/ void DisplayTime() { char tempchar [7]; byte i = 0; Wire.beginTransmission(I2C_address); Wire.send(0); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(I2C_address, 7); while(Wire.available()) // Checkf for data from slave { tempchar [i] = Wire.receive(); // receive a byte as character i++; } Second = tempchar [0]; Minute = tempchar [1]; Hour = tempchar [2]; Day = tempchar [3]; Date = tempchar [4]; Month = tempchar [5]; Year = tempchar [6]; // Display time Serial.print("The current time is "); Serial.print(Month, HEX); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(Date, HEX); Serial.print("/20"); if (Year<10) Serial.print("0"); Serial.print(Year, HEX); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(Hour, HEX); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(Minute, HEX); Serial.print("."); Serial.println(Second, HEX); }